Wednesday, June 2, 2010


oh my gosh !
wat happen v me today ???!
lotsa things happen !
early in da morning thn saw u pnteng !
jus infront me .. u duno i'm in tat car izit ?
cos today go school very early ... n ..
drive another car go .. am jus bhind u ...
bt luckly u dint saw me .. if nt i will very paise !
tatime sibeh angry lo ... bt nw think bac .. aiks
angry 4wat la ... u dun deserve it !
haha~reach school chat v meng ....
chat lotsa things ...

perhimpunan,hair check !
luckly i run fast fast ...
escape from the disaster !
woohoo ! save !

then afternoon ;
walao ... another big case from my brother !
y he banyak masalah d !!!!!
gaduh v fren ... wan me settle for him ...
sienz =,= dao ~
he somemore wan cry !
my gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a girl le ...! i never cry cos of those little things
  ... bt he ...
   owhhh !
*-*pengsan !!!!

reaach hom .. mum call me !
i reali mau pengsan !
my bro d things oredi make me muntah darah ,
bt my mum ask me d question make me lagi wan muntah darah !
terus faint !!!! *-*

tis is for my mum

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