Tuesday, June 29, 2010


ok ... 2 topic today ...

1st .. lets talk about mute ...

having sore throat


an ulcer on my lip ...

damn pain ...

trying many ways to let da ulcer recover


all does't work

so nw still pain-ing


dare nt drink water and eat...

cos once da ulcer contact v da food or drink

it make me feel pain

and it can make me scream or cry ...

sakit - nya

yesterday and today less talk , jus lik a mute

dun lik ! whn jus recover ???! ergh !

2nd ..

about hurt

tats .. erm ...

should be whr to begin ?

i dunno ~

complicated story

i think i'm crazy

i hurt him !

oh man !

can u imagine tat ?????!

i hurt him ... tat i love ...

i said many many cruel words to him !!!!

am kinda regret nw ...

tat time ....

i jus want him to get hurt ...

i want hm to try my feelings ....

so ..

i did tat to him ....

i duno wat i want to do ..

i reali duno

kinda lost

whn i jus can get out this stupid maze ?

i wanna to left those sad things behind

out of those sadness and start my new life ..

bt difficult to achieve it ....

( hey .. whn u sad , im nt feeling gud ; whn u nt hapi , im crying ; whn u r miserable , im in a ...brokan-hearted situation )
sorry .. my apology .. im lost control , cos i hate u duwan me

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