Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sista's day

ahha ! 2day is sista's day ...
especially for Inez Angela and Jane !

2dy v so 38 nia ... on9 fb ..
chat many many 38 things ...
happy ! long time no lik tat jor ....
erm ... lastime d things ..
i think nw i should 4get it ...
if nt .. i'll lose a sis ...
jus left few month thn v graduate jor ...
dun waste our time on fighting or other stupid things !

com'on sis ... am tired la ...
see-in the situation lik tat ..
bt ... i duno cn do wat ..
feel useless lar !
lik today ..
so gud wat ..
i open a topic
3 of us chat till so high ..
owh ~ reali a nice day ..!

i love sista's day !
hope avday oso our sista's day ya


  1. forget the past...looking forward ~~~sista forever!!!!!

  2. Glad that you and Wai Mun are great friends again. Do you know who i am? ;P
