Sunday, April 24, 2011


well.....sqeeze'ing my brain for Biology articles....

finding inspiration,and now, im no no..

im not finding my inspiration at my suddenly some nice and sweet memories pop out..

and i have to share with u guys~

yesterday, saturday....

cos of the need to complete thr community service,we (sheau mean,sherlyn and me) went to orphanage....

spent 2 hours at with the children,teach with them...

" no matter how hard is ur life, compare with them,ur life is just a lil' red bean.."

they smile, although their parents are not with them...

they walk, although the journey is tough...

but, human like us, always complain our life...this not good enough, that not "easy" enough...

look through their life, u will know....u have a nice family....smooth journey to success...

u get everything u wanna if u request it....

how bout them?


lunch with my charlene, her bday on 22.april

plan to bake her molten choco cake, but no time cos went to orphanage.... so sorry for that :(

four of us, charlene , sarvin , hubby boy and me..

went to S2 City park...

gosh.....almost 3 or 4 years i dint go there..

we go there for? fed the pity fish =.= and maybe we are too free ~.~


throwing bread into the POnd lik a child, i mean my boy....

charlene, sarvin and me jus Pour the bread into the river....Who cares


Home for dinner, after that take bathe and movie !!!

after The Mechanic, we have Scream 4 on yesterday!!!

what the H !!! full of blood blood and blood!!!

i jump!!! many many times...and as the movie name, i Scream-ed!!


luckily im still heart beat rate was fast....lik hell...


before the movie,i was tired,,,very very tired

but after that, i can finished my article at midnight...

why?? i was too High!!

gosh...but my hubby boy very pity..

cos from the beginning till the end,he was hugging me...

and after that....his hand was paralyzed....

sayang sayang~~love you :)

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