Saturday, April 9, 2011

Inti with Inez

ello!!!!well.....2 weeks gone..!~

and now im well mixed with my collegemate :)

com'on com'on.....tis post lets talk bout my college and my life in Inti..

1st,about my campus.....

(just part of it)
well....not as big as my imagination...

for the 1st week,i just can't find my way to every lecturer rooms,so..that time, for me...Inti sooooo big...!

but fact....Inti not that Big~!4 buildings...full with rooms....and 1 resource center,library inside and some rooms for different purpose....

every single Inti....i just past my time in those lecturer rooms and just face with lecturer(S)....

the maximum time,i have class for 8 hours..!and between that,2 hours 10 hours in Inti~

wowww~i was " aiks".......

physic lecturer-the well manners lecturer

evrytimes,he will put a "pls" infront and also "thank you" behind whn he asks for something from us...

pix' that steal from sheau mean's Fb,my collegemate

chemistry.the young lecturer..

everytimes he explains those chemical equation..

i will open my mouth with a big "0" shape and look at him with those question marks on the top of my head

then he will says "is that okay,class?" thn my head will shake non-stop...!

2nd,my mate :)

well....friends from other state other coutry...

some come from those place that i never heard before >.<

is that place "hulu" or im the "hulu" person?

whatever~!the most to get along with them peacefully....

cause we have to meet each other everyday for the whole year....actually just 8 months..~

Pix' from me :

outside the room

eric....the topicless guy

ting yong

kim seng...can't see his face :(

sherlyn,the 1st girl that i konw in Inti~

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