Sunday, April 3, 2011


START my class for 1week... time table very crazy...

almost everyday started my class at 8am and ended at 6pm...

CSAM is a very tough course....

in a short period..have to finish all the syllabus....

rush like hell....for sure,now i have no time to die....

at the begining...i really not use to it....miss my secondary school partner,Jane very much...

without her....i talk less and i have no one to share my secret or any other things else....

meet my new friends from other state and one from other country....thats the benefit....know more people....

will post on my news about college life later once i have settle down all my heavy homework and also when im free~

yesterday,april fool,01/04/2011

i skipped my biology and physic class...went to KL with hubb and his sis,and also cousin...

well....can't use "skip" this word i think...lecturer din't mark the attendence at the 1st week...

so,you go or not.....depends on ur own discipline....

went to Tao to have our lunch :)

Location-Sunway Giza

from 12-2.30pm....Rm 42 per head....

we had a table for six..~
acting cute...pose of the day...pig mouth ^@^

she is cute!!the girl beside our table...i wrinkle my eye with her when she look at me :)

after we finish all our dish~hubb kacau her...he tried to hug her..

suprise!!!she accepted his hug!and her mama or aunty said

"she dun let stranger hold her,and u'r the 1st...seem so destinated"

eat non-stop till lil' tummy came out at the end.. :( sad!

fruit stall...nice right?so colourfull~

after lunch.hubb's eldar sis have an interview at 3pm...

my shoulder already small enough..he still want sleep on it...!!pig!

late to there jus because we can't find the way....and traffic jam all the time in KL

Sunway Pyarmid at 4pm

walk around~and went to NOPS with hubb's 2 sisters

oops...picca missed~

Nevermind..wait for nextime :)

planning to go to there later with mummy~

NOPS-Natural Organic PlantS

Location-LG 1.82 (Sunway Pyramid)

NOPS products are all korea based skin care....

grab a One Minute Beauty Triple Kits...

top:(left)shimmering essential pearl base.(right)glam line BB essence
bottom:3D & V-line magic duo

Original price with RM60/- and now having promotion...

oops....definitely....perfect....try it on today morning~

yesterday,Accident again..

my new Atos!!!

tatime went for breakfast with dad n bro....

i was the innocent...always...

half of my Atos turn into the junction,suddenly,a motorcyclist FLY towards my car and BANG!!! Atos..injured...and the motorcyclist lied on the road...he tried to run...but my dad just hold him on the time..

He don't have licience!!!!gosh~lil' pity kid!

stay in ur house!dun come out and bang my car!!! and bro soooo angry...feel like want punch him..~~,wait for the foreman take my car to repair....

calm heart sooo pain!!!

look at it~~owh~~