Tuesday, April 19, 2011


morning !is 9.24am now!

Im so blank now..~nothing to do since i finished my interactive discussion..

so..lame-ing now~~~~~

sad :( get a B- for that!!!!!ishhhhh~~~this result is going to submit to Australia....

sooo sad :( 

i have tons of things wanna post up and  share with u guys,but all the pix(s) are not with me now....

so...we just skip it okay?*u can't say "not okay"....haha~

im busy with all the test,essay,quiz,assignment.....etc...

and now...allergic....*sigh

nobody knows the "cause"...so..have to be more careful on everythings

medicine(s) stopped my suffer for temporary.....ergh...itchy!!pain!!!sobssss!

i miss my holiday so much.......

i dun have enough of rest since i started my college life......

i miss my charlene tan so much!!!*jane changed her name to charlene

next friday,her birthday!!!must meet with her...

me and my boy are suffering...on her bday present...~

thats all for today,short post.....

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