Saturday, October 9, 2010




tis noti beibi came to tis world....

while...tatime...only her mum at her side....

her daddy left her...for another gal...

she take care by her mummy..(single mother)


nw tis beibi 2years old jor....


we celebrate-ed her birthday...

cute gal gal....

i kinda suprise~

For the 1st trial...she is willing to let me hold her....

wow....! sayang her nia...~

whn her mummy want to feed her porridge..

she refuse-ed to, i try to feed her...

again...she ate~

she sat on my lap....let me feed her~

Cute nenh~sayang much much ....

lotsa fun...

Tis beibi reali notty !

whn i said i wan whack her...she still dare to give me a sweet smile....


haha...Godmother luv you much much ya beibi....


*im a gud mummy~

*Angele v beibi

Beibi's birthday cake

Inez . Beibi

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