Wednesday, October 13, 2010


my mind kinda blank~

hmmmm.....I should write about?wat?

suddenly pop out my cousin sis,Misty words :

"nw,u r walk-ed out from Love,walk-ing in-to Mature" walk-ed out from the Circle of  Love....

L.O.V.E - whn we said "I love you" to our lover,we mean tat....

we love a person.not based on their appearance rite?Is based on their heart
-A True Heart-

We love a person,we will sacrific evrything,jus becos..Love

Love makes every1 becomes Blind...becomes Childish...becomes Naive...

In order to love Him/Her,life has become less important...

His/Her smile,is our greatest spiritual support....

We will feel hapi whn we come together and love...

That hapi feel-ing...Is can't be described by word(s)

A sweet smile,a simple greeting,a hug...or even a soft kiss

can make us crazy....

This is which we call L.O.V.E

M.A.T.U.R.E-At this stage,We are no longer blind to Love....

No longer believe in Fairy Tales...

We know,in this world,only reality,no fairy tales,no prince and no princess

So,we have to face life Sober...

We will begin to become reality,is okie...This is necessary...

sweet talks becomes very un-realistic....

Instead,we need realible commitments....

A man,that will respect the commitments, Is need-ed

A man,that can walk through the difficulties with us,Is need-ed

A man,that Eloquence is not well,whn u r angry,he duno how to coax u

is Not a bad boyfriend,jus....he know,

whn u r angry,u would not listen to what he say

So,he wait u calm down jus explain to u.....

That which we call Considerate....

If your man bring you home see his parents

you should be hapi


that represent you're an important person in his heart

this also mean that he admit-ed this relationship

and he wish to open this relationship to his parents

and this jus will happen whn we both are mature enough....

Different stage,Different life.

We meet different guy(s),

At different stage.

Appreacite iT,

Even you get hurt.

Dont regret,

After you made the choice.

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