Monday, October 18, 2010



Noon,about 1.20pm,i call-ed dear,wanna ask him,where is he now...

cos i wanna giv him a small suprise.....

i call-ed 3times!bt he did not answer my call(s)....

So,i call-ed Mr.JJ

2pm....i reach-ed T1...dear and his fren(s) at Popular...

i point the direction of the phone accessories for Mk,

thn i jus rush to Popular.....Saw Mr.JJ and dear at counter...

Stay at thr for 30mins..thn we go library~

ahkem ahkem...when crossing the road...akhem akhem...

Some1 hold my hand huh....akhem akhem~

At tat time I was a bit suprise...



plan-ed go library study

bt...Closed on monday!


thn I ask-ed Mr.jj and dear go starbuck wait me lorrr~

I was late! kinda sorry~

at Starbuck finish-ed my homework....

thn jus chit-chat aat thr...





ok...tis time...gotta study jor~

8.30am....tat 2guys reach-ed my house....

bt ....I'm not ready~so...let thm in wait me~

my house lik museum....J and dear keep walk around my house

thn go take our breakfast~

Still early...all the restaurant not open yet~

So...go library 1st lo....


yea~i finish-ed F4 biology chap 3 and 4 !

muahahaha~ hapi~



day for my babe Jane~

kinda long time she dint go jalan jalan wit me jor !

Finally...she dated me out~hapi till wan cry jor...haha

i go her house fetch her ~

saw Mocha~hair short short jor~and jus finish-ed operation...

thn go Pet Saloon fetch dear....

Brin them to T1 cos Jane want ask the phone price...

after tat S.R Time~

after lunch,go popular,Jane duwan go home....

after she buys exercise book thn willing to go home jor~

on the way home...she tells lotsa things...tis time my turn to lend her my ears....

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ~


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