Monday, October 25, 2010


Jus nw, mr.Lee ask-ed me

"wat happen-ed,tis few days u lik nt happy d?"

and my answer => "me nw very happy a gud dear beside me"

This is a Fact.....Im very happy....

At tis moment.(SAD) tis word,disappear-ed in my dictionary

I do not allow it appear-ed again

and I know You will nt make me sad,Rite?

3years life is full of tears,full of sorry

I thought,he will regret wat he done

I oso thought,he will change after those 'Sorry'

all tis jus my thought~

but is okay,nw i recall those memories,its giv me a lesson.....

Lastime,Im a very cranky person,Im oso a very unruly person....

but nw....Im nt....I knw Trust,is the basis for people to get along

So nw,everytimes I talk or text wit mr.Lee, im nt going to guess the words tat he said to me....

Im nt going to guess those words is True or is Fake.....

becos he desserve my trust

He desserve It

He prepared a very,very gud life,for me...

but....I desserve it?no,im nt,i do not desserve it....

im nt perfect enuff......


bt, i'll try my best to integrate into your world


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