Monday, November 15, 2010


-Saturday.....gratz...cos my time..wasted~

Planning study at Jane's house....seriously..i gt tat study mood....!

i drove myself to her house...wit a big bag,full wit my chemistry reference books

"eat before study!thn u just gt tat energy to study ma...."-Jane's mama quote....

tats the reason why she....akhem akhem~so chubby.....

i ate 1 "wun zai gou" + 1 plate spaghetti....kinda full...

Jane's mama,i wanna tel u....."nice cook!" :)

after tat,study~

jus for 30mins....SWT......

We chat all the time....STUDY??????haha....

i cnt study....cos Jane keep "bla bla bla"~non-stop!

we go Jusco to hav a short walk..~

thn go bac ~ cos mocha(Jane's dogie) wanna take her dinner n oso wanna go "toilet"

i brin her to my house...take dinner...

she bcum my maid...~washed all plates after meal....

F.O.C Maria~

about 8.30pm,go out again~

Mr.lee fetched us to S1....finally...i can order ice-cream~

Enjoy our moment at S1 thn sent Jane back....stay at her house till 10.30pm... lotsa thgs wit Mr.lee~

p.s :Mr.lee,Im so sorry for tatdy...


addition : my Satio fell to the ground,and now,a little crack...a little lag...ahhh!!!super sad!!

anyone can help me fix it?seriously....who can introduce a gud phone repair master for me to fix it?

leave me a comment if gt any gud candidates...thx~

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