Sunday, March 27, 2011



im here....update my diary again....

A bit of insomnia.....


today went for injection......a lil' pain in my arm....paralyzed.....

Friday went for the enrolment.....i only attended for about 1hour....

before enrolment,went to Brandon lim's house!

big and nice but a bit messy......haha...thn breakfast..

after tat "1hour enrolment",went to hubb's house....

while waiting his friend....take a short nap :)

seriously..i dun like his bed!!!!!!!

about 1.30pm....went to train station to pick up his friends

leave them at Inti...thn we went for lunch....

hubb not in the mood....his ferrari was injured....


I don't konw how to coax silent....shhhh~

Bac to my house after that...

he is tired...keep yaw whn driving...

So....i keep talking with him....

He only slept for 3hours....IM super..heart-ache...

reach my house....i forced him to sleep for a lil' moment..

i promised him will wake him up after i bathe....

i lied to him...

after bathe...i saw him sleep so well....

im not willing to wake just let him sleep....

he loves my bed.....comfortable...he said...

So sweet when i was lying beside him,look at him...

the way he fell asleep.....i still so so...sweet...

went to dinner with dad,mum & bro....

we have been chatting non-stop..!I like this feeling...

< FAMILY > :)

dad polished my hubb's ferrari

my dad said "this was the best"

better than before-I said...

before hubb leave.....he still chat with my mum....countless topic....

i keep ask him " do you want to go home??!!!"- I repeated this sentence for N timessssss...

and he replied " u dont want reverse the car for me,hw to go home?!"- He also repeated this sentence for N timessssss.......

finally...he leave at 11.20pm....


College Life start at well prepared!!i will work harder!

sad....hubb going to move to KL...stay at there >.<

less chance for us to meet......well....

there must be some weird feeling...that i really can't find a word to describe it...

is okay......


mum asked me...."want to appeal?for ur spm result.."

"no....if i really get what...."

"unless u happy.."

"no...dont want....just can upgrade to A-...cant apply scholarship...." dad and mum can effort my fees...but..i reali hope that i can get scholarship to....ease their burden......i hope i can let my parents enjoy their happy the will work hard for my hope!

Bless me!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Get my result yesterday...
2As,6Bs and 2Cs...

Bahasa Melayu     B+
Bahasa Inggeris   B+
Pendidikan Moral   A-
Sejarah      B+
Mathematics   B
Add. Maths    C+
Physics    B+
Chemistry   C+
Biology    B
Bahasa Cina   A-

Results are totally out of my expected....i broke down....
very disappointed.....everyone said...." have worked so hard...."
nevermind???i mind!i mind...i really mind.....
I have high expectations....and thats why i fall so hurts......
My efforts...never give in return...
Maybe because im nt that smart...or..maybe im nt that fortunate....
Look at my result...i feel so useless....
my one understands....
this to pass through it.....
this to face it....
I really feel very ashamed...

Monday, March 21, 2011






saturday...went to spotivo.....hav dinner with the craziest guy,sarvin again....

Jane absent....sad...without speechless :(

ooh a new hubb college-mate,Ronald a.k.a Ron

hello~oops....because he was laughing,i cant get in picca~

chit-chatting~till 8.30pm.. yummy pasta.....with mushroom cream sauce and bacon....

after finish my full,and lil' tummy came out.....ish!!!

my hubb :)

ergh...nextime im goin to brin my camera out with me!

second round,accom hubb attend his secondary classmate gathering...

why im there??Forced by him....erm.....can't say "force"...


"u really duwan go with me?" with his soft...soft...soft sound....

"ok ok...i go with you..."my heart jus soft lik his sound!


gosh.....tis few days....didnt sleep well....

result coming out at tis wednesday,23.march

im nervous...! till i have nightmares few days ago....

In the result all CCCCCBBBBB!!!

what the H.....nervous + nightmares = goin crazy

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



sorry~~kinda long time dint update my blog....

I'm back...with my lastes news!



have lunch with Jane & Jane's baby,Kelvin

going with my hubb....chit chat at Station 1

He(my boy) and his(jane's boy) first meeting...

well...unlike...! they seem to know each other long time ago~

This two big men really disgusting!

call each other dear!i really feel like vomit-ing..

and Jane keep staring at my hubb,whn he try to call his boy "dear"....


oops..i forgot to take picca :(


gosh...i duno the to wait Sarvin to lead us

guess what!!we wait thm( Sarvin & jane) for 30 mins in car..!!

i asked thm to pay the bill....they jus ignore me >.<

no boom boom boom music like night club :)

i like it..
four of us:

Sarvin,the craziest guy




full of fun!

We had few snacks.....

Beer...Carlsberg & tadaa~Hoegaarden

and countless topic...

i love the night like that!~there will be the next :)




I'm still asleep...

Mum knocked my door...wake me up...

she said : " go better hurry up!"

Big suprise!bathe,make up,change clothes with high speed!

then i sent a text message to him :" im going Inti later.."

after breakfast...go to my future school...

my mum calculate  the time from home to school,dad calculate the cost of tol...

im not going to stay at have to back and forth...


school start at 28.03....few days after get the SPM result...

I have entered another stage of Life :)

Ice room with my family,and my mum new son,ah boy a.k.a my hubb...

then bac to hubb's house....

 and my dad n mum went bac

Accompany him and his brother to play badminton at Nilai Spring...

thn night...went to Shawn's 21st birthday party....

my mum ask hubb go with us...

ok..i know...mum start to love him!

>.< i was bullied!by my mum and bro!

they just love the new!!

Stand aside! bro say this to my mum :

"Mii...ming jun became a member of our family...u mentioned him all the time...=.="

thn my mum said "what?!"


Me : " haha!is true!"

 keep going with my decision..or...change it?

i will regret?

Monday, March 7, 2011

MY LIFE PART_14 me..little mushroom here >.<

lil' mushroom??I quit my job,and now...i jus stay at home...nothing to do....

put all my effort on "growing mushroom" on my head...

so..i call self,lil' mushroom!


Every Morning,wake up at 10am......then i began to worry about,"What To Do Today!"

Facebook....Facebook and also Facebook...

Watch TV,TV and TV again....

This has been repeated every day....I'M GOING MAD...

waiting my SPM result.....whn will the result out??oh gosh...I'm super nervous....

In the previous post,i mentioned a Korean restaurant...

Tat day i went,but did not open....

so,Mr.lee and i went to tat restaurant again on last Saturday..

Although the restaurant's decor is not very pretty..but filled with a thick atmosphere of korean...

Very Quiet...~i like it....

the boss of the restaurant is a Korean...her smile is beautiful....

i still keep the bill....Written in Korean words....

Mr.lee order 3 dishes...and we can't finish it....

from the left: Bibimbap,fried glass noodle & TteokBokki
(google search the food if u strange with those food name)

10 side dishes

my plate :) nice chopstick & spoon

In the car,Mr.lee keep say "very full!"

ya..i konw =.=

at home,he still nag-ing "very full!"

ya!!i konw!! =.= some exercise!

he carry me to upstairs and then go down again!!

nice exercise..cos im heavy~! haha~!

We stay at home all the day,enjoy our time....

do not want to go out....because the weather outside may kill me....

and is Saturday...MANY PEOPLE outside!

I began to miss my man :(

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


THX..Mr.Lee :)

some show off here ---> my V' day present..

which i jus get it on 28/02/2011

oops...angle problem....a bit aliasing....

i love it..!

Customized...LIMITED EDITION!!muahahaha...

hang out to hav movee..

The Mechanic

nice movee wit nice blast effect!

and also the handsome actor-Jason Statham...

after movee...

time to purchase of household goods...

owh!my nice hubbii!

handsome right?

after tat,dinner time!

plan to go to a korean restaurant..


so...head to Tarot Cafe to solve our dinner...

im not a gud wife....i do not know how to cook!

but i will learn from my mum...when im free... busy all the time :)

as a waiter,should be clear with his capacity!

gosh....passed by our table N times,still want giv me a innocent eyes!

Away please!!

dun disturb....



sweet time wit my dear :)