Monday, March 7, 2011

MY LIFE PART_14 me..little mushroom here >.<

lil' mushroom??I quit my job,and now...i jus stay at home...nothing to do....

put all my effort on "growing mushroom" on my head...

so..i call self,lil' mushroom!


Every Morning,wake up at 10am......then i began to worry about,"What To Do Today!"

Facebook....Facebook and also Facebook...

Watch TV,TV and TV again....

This has been repeated every day....I'M GOING MAD...

waiting my SPM result.....whn will the result out??oh gosh...I'm super nervous....

In the previous post,i mentioned a Korean restaurant...

Tat day i went,but did not open....

so,Mr.lee and i went to tat restaurant again on last Saturday..

Although the restaurant's decor is not very pretty..but filled with a thick atmosphere of korean...

Very Quiet...~i like it....

the boss of the restaurant is a Korean...her smile is beautiful....

i still keep the bill....Written in Korean words....

Mr.lee order 3 dishes...and we can't finish it....

from the left: Bibimbap,fried glass noodle & TteokBokki
(google search the food if u strange with those food name)

10 side dishes

my plate :) nice chopstick & spoon

In the car,Mr.lee keep say "very full!"

ya..i konw =.=

at home,he still nag-ing "very full!"

ya!!i konw!! =.= some exercise!

he carry me to upstairs and then go down again!!

nice exercise..cos im heavy~! haha~!

We stay at home all the day,enjoy our time....

do not want to go out....because the weather outside may kill me....

and is Saturday...MANY PEOPLE outside!

I began to miss my man :(

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