Tuesday, March 15, 2011


is Tuesday....today....

sorry~~kinda long time dint update my blog....

I'm back...with my lastes news!



have lunch with Jane & Jane's baby,Kelvin

going with my hubb....chit chat at Station 1

He(my boy) and his(jane's boy) first meeting...

well...unlike...! they seem to know each other long time ago~

This two big men really disgusting!

call each other dear!i really feel like vomit-ing..

and Jane keep staring at my hubb,whn he try to call his boy "dear"....


oops..i forgot to take picca :(


gosh...i duno the place..so..have to wait Sarvin to lead us

guess what!!we wait thm( Sarvin & jane) for 30 mins in car..!!

i asked thm to pay the bill....they jus ignore me >.<

no boom boom boom music like night club :)

i like it..
four of us:

Sarvin,the craziest guy




full of fun!

We had few snacks.....

Beer...Carlsberg & tadaa~Hoegaarden

and countless topic...

i love the night like that!~there will be the next :)




I'm still asleep...

Mum knocked my door...wake me up...

she said : " go Inti...to register....you better hurry up!"

Big suprise!bathe,make up,change clothes with high speed!

then i sent a text message to him :" im going Inti later.."

after breakfast...go to my future school...

my mum calculate  the time from home to school,dad calculate the cost of tol...

im not going to stay at Nilai...so..everyday have to back and forth...


school start at 28.03....few days after get the SPM result...

I have entered another stage of Life :)

Ice room with my family,and my mum new son,ah boy a.k.a my hubb...

then bac to hubb's house....

 and my dad n mum went bac

Accompany him and his brother to play badminton at Nilai Spring...

thn night...went to Shawn's 21st birthday party....

my mum ask hubb go with us...

ok..i know...mum start to love him!

>.< i was bullied!by my mum and bro!

they just love the new member...me??!!

Stand aside!

yesterday..my bro say this to my mum :

"Mii...ming jun became a member of our family...u mentioned him all the time...=.="

thn my mum said "what?!"


Me : " haha!is true!"

 keep going with my decision..or...change it?

i will regret?

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