Thursday, June 9, 2011


Let's talk about our face today.girls...

ok...for male readers...if u'r interested i dun mind u stay...if u dun like...nevermind...

Jus leave....and wait for my next post :)

well....CLINIQUE came to Inti today!!!

i went for their workshop....and spent Rm 150 at there..

i bought myself a set of brightening solutions and clinique triple kits

a set of blemish solutions for hubbii :)

oh gosh...not enough of cash...if not...i will carry home each set!!

and my mummy will kill me after that :) haha..

for skin care:
1) must own a set of skin care included cleanser,toner and moisturizer
2) wash your face for at least 1minute!
3) choose right solutions and check on your skin type!
     a) oily skin
     b) dry skin
     c) dry combinant skin
     d) oily combinant skin

for make up:
1) foundation-dun over warm your liquid foundation! this will darken your foundation color!
2) choose the right color-check your foundation color start from cheek,then down to jaw line and then neck
3) Dun let people feel like you are wearing mask after u put on foundation!
4) Put on healthy cheek colour
5) Dun let your lip gloss trap insect-dun be too thick too oily too juicy

TIPS from Inez
always wash your face with right action!!!(outwards action)

remove your make up before you use cleanser to wash your face ( do not rely on cleanser to remove your make up)

after cleanser,dun forget your toner!!!and moisturizer!!!

remove your dead skin cells once a week...for those facing acne problem,dun!!!!dun use scrub!!!no scrub!!

drink much much much water!!!!

hands off!!!dun touch your face!!!

must sleep at the period of 11pm till 2 am!~golden period for girls!

lastly....consult with "skin doctor".....find out the best solutions for your skin :)

Im beeing invited to participate in Miss Inti...

erm....everyone ask me to go have a try..

included my mummy...


shy la...and my homeworks already made me die

and if i take part, everyday have to stay back till 10pm,for the training

tired la.....


considering :)


  1. go for miss inti la...i support you 99...

  2. yes yes~go and participate~will be a nice experience!
