Monday, June 13, 2011


IS a beautiful morning.....

Birds singing to comfortable... :)

semester exam finally not ready yet...

still, i have to go with choice....

hope my result will not be that BAD!! pray for me please :)

jus woke up...plan to study,but not in that mood...what to do?

SURE on my blog,post some happy things, share with you guys..~

haha...we had a date before my exam....because there is no time for me to accompany him before exam over....

kinda tired....Saturday still have to go to class,physics, 4 hours!!! 

but is alright...after that i met with hubbii boy,tired all gone :)

such a good cure for me...~

we dint go you guys know...

people are all crazy on saturday.....road is full with car,no excess parking lot at shopping complex...

bla bla better stay at home....

okay...if you are our(hubbii and me) friend, u sure know my HIM bought an ipad 2.. mum is crazy with HIS ipad,especially talking tom >.<

im the only one,who always crazy with her

(such a childish mom and daughter)

Dinner at 8pm....quite late....

pix by HIS ipad 2
( pix quality not that good at night,but apps are excellent!)

yummy yummy
(luckily the light is dim, i went out without make up!!)

my boss :)

""damn relax this two people""...haha..dun like that please...

we are stress with our works la!

a lil' relax is okay..~

a guy with ipad, handsome and? ( i bet you will use nice words to describe him right?)

a girl with Carlo Rino,oowh~ ( nice words for her also right?)

but why hubbii and me dint get all those nice words ?!

you know what we get?

big eyes stare at us

you know the reason?

we talk too loud!!and we are too "sakai"!!

haha...who long as we are happy :)

via SE Satio
( nice color!!)

your ipad?throw away la..haha!


okay..back to my booksss now...

coming this 2 weeks,im not going to on my blog...sorry to say so...

have to work hard for exam....

and im looking forward my semester break!!

where to go?!

my hometown..Johor :0

perhaps a lil time for singapore :)

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