Tuesday, June 14, 2011



okay okay...i said i will not on for a period...but,yesterday....

i checked my computer...and i was "oh my!!!miss out this on my blog!!"

so...pop out for today,just to share with you guys about this~


The word-Marriage, what is the meaning to you?

for me, is two people started the 1st step in the formation of a small family.

Holding partner's hand, with the ring on it, spent our lifetime with each other,

do not think of THE END....accompany ur beloved with love...

why suddenly i talk about marriage?erm...please!

do not think that im getting marriage okay?!

just my cousin sister married,on 05 june.....

if you guys pay close attention to my Facebook,then u know who is the pretty and also the lucky guy....


 the bride and the groom!

spot me on the pix...my floral dress....

both are skinny :)


damn love the bridal dress..

feel like little princess when wearing this bridal dress...

nice ~!

the bridegroom's house at Tampin..

so,we travel about 1 hour to go there from seremban...

tired, i overslept on that morning...!

i woke up at 3am...finished my assignment,at 4 or 5 am..

then sleep again..i thought i set my alarm at 5.45am...

THOUGHT! i dint set it!!!

until my aunt call me " ei, u okay already, time to go~"

i jump up from my bed! " what?now what time?!shit!!!give me 10minutes!!!"

i work like a rocket!!

really, i just used 10 minutes to bathe..


the day before,i bathe at 1am..~please!!i am clean!!

ignore my stupid action~

back to the topic..~

hope the new couple live happy all the time~


when is my turn?

okay, wait,



please..still young la now...

enjoy the life before jump into the hole

what hole...?

h a h a

finished chemistry paper today,
still left 4 main subject
and 1 minor, moral
conclusion for today
pass then good
fail then fail
nex time
will be

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