Friday, June 17, 2011



WE are together for six month,

Although not a very long period of time....

During this period,every day,we have been very happy...

Can not say no quarrel at all....Sometimes, there will be a lil' bicker between us...

just a small small small bicker...

I hate the "Cold War" so so so childish....and so so so meaningless!

girls,dont stupid...Cold War cant help to solve problem

do speak your problem(s) out.helps to solve problem..

not just keep quiet....

i love my hubbii hold my hand...His big hand,gives me a great warmth....

i love my hubbii hug me in his arm....IN his arm, I get a sense of secure....

i love my hubbii move my fringe to the soooo considerate....

i love my hubbii ask me be careful when i drive to school....with his words..I am more careful when im on the road.....

i love my hubbi ask me drink water...He's really taking care of me....

I Love My Hubbii because HE love me at the same way too....

Lee Ming Jun:

once you hold my yours,don't let go....

No matter what happens,must hold me tightly.....

Every difficulty,we face it together...

i will accompany you go through all the hardness in your life...

We can work together to solve problems.....Cause we are lovers...

i do share your pain and joy...i really do...

Because I lOve you :)

Share a lil pix which we took on 14.06.2011-our anni :)

1 year waiting~ :)