Wednesday, June 1, 2011


okay...i said will post on friday,but now, im free~!

so...take my time!!BLOG IT BLOG IT

vivitt~come come come...although is passed...but have to post it..

MY BIRTHDAY!!!sweet 16, 2 years ago...2 years later,sweetest 18!!!

19 93, 28th may, i was born :)

thanks mama..took me to this world,18 years ago....

thanks mama and papa~passed their good genes to me....

im proud with my appearance, my lil' smart and tricky everything...

Though mama an papa not always beside me, but i still love them...sooo deeply...

Without them, IM nothing....I love you,mama...I love you,papa.....

my best parents....

This year, a lil' bit special for me...

My boy celebrated with 1st birthday,with boyfriend

is sweet...~

small buffet,relatives and good friends invited....

peace and warm celebration....i like it..

last time, i hang out with friends....dinner with family,club...

meaningless....i dun really enjoy it..

but this year....meaningful...i spent my whole day with my family...

and now i just sweet is it....

Present?? ok..i know....people always ask : eh, what u get for your birthday ya?

and i answered : nothing la~

nobody believes...ok...

unlock secret now....

A Casio from hubbii

A pillow from Sarvin
nice for my car :)

A....mystery gift from Charlene ( erm...i havent received )

and she brought BIG APPLE for me....What?? Donut??

ya...cause she dint bake muffin for me.. :(

and also money from relatives....ok..i prefer this $$$$ !!!

IM are not???


yummy dishes from my aunty...

red hard-boiled eggs from mama :)

my birthday cake-ice cream cake from mama too~

after dinner, help to clean up....

then head to SS2...

com'on...a lil' alcohol is nice for a birthday gal...

stupid boy waste money again...bought me ROSE...

by the way...Thanks Hubbii Boy....for everything u prepared for me...

till 12am..

ding birthday past...

and time to go home...

time to sleep.....

pity hubbii....he was hiding in the blanket...

is the room cold???

i sayang...oops!!!should take photo..

post up his piggy face..muahahaha!!!

im going to do this nextime..

*devil smile~~hiak hiak hiak~

~cik cak~photo of the day

what happen with you mr.lee...y ur face sooo sad....and what happen with u,papa..very stiff lerr ur pose..~

MOre pix....please check in - Sweetest 18 of mine

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